S01E09: Museum Pi

In this episode we talk about how the Raspberry Pi can be used in museums – and by conservators in particular! Jenny and Christina share their experiences and favourite examples from museums, plus a couple of ideas for listeners to explore. We talk to Mark Kearney about using a Pi for time-lapses in the V&A conservation department, plus we have a chat with Alex Bate and George Oates about the Museum in a Box project. Pi, anyone?

00:00:29 News in brief (mostly giggles)
00:04:59 Eating in the galleries… and what kind of pie this isn’t!
00:06:04 What is the Raspberry Pi and what is it for?
00:12:24 Why should museums care about the Pi?
00:13:46 Christina’s touchscreen project
00:19:31 Example: Museum of London, retro video games, and the Pi
00:23:12 Example: Macclesfield Silk Museum and Pi punch cards
00:24:47 Idea: Bluetooth beacons, audio tours, and a Pi
00:26:38 Idea: Environmental monitoring with a Pi
00:30:11 Interview with Mark Kearny from UCL
00:45:27 Could we do Pi training or workshops for museum professionals?
00:48:47 Interview with Alex Bate from the Raspberry Pi Foundation and George Oates from Museum in a Box
01:20:27 Comments, questions, and corrections

Show Notes:

– Come support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thecword
– New paint colours invented by neural network: http://lewisandquark.tumblr.com/post/160776374467/new-paint-colors-invented-by-neural-network
– What is the Raspberry Pi? https://vimeo.com/90103691
– Reddit’s /r/museumpros: https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumPros
– Reddit’s /r/raspberry_pi: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi
– Pi Presents: https://pipresents.wordpress.com/
– Museum of London’s ’London in Video Games’ exhibition: https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/discover/london-video-games
– RetroPie: https://retropie.org.uk/
– Macclesfield Silk Museum: https://macclesfieldmuseums.co.uk/
– Mark’s time-lapse project: http://www.vam.ac.uk/blog/conservation-blog/mini-post-no-7-using-a-raspberry-pi-to-watch-a-handbag-decay and http://www.vam.ac.uk/blog/conservation-blog/raspberry-pi-project-1st-video
– SHARE Museums East Network: http://sharemuseumseast.org.uk/
– Raspberry Pi Foundation: https://www.raspberrypi.org/
– Museum in a Box: http://museuminabox.org/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E08: Social Media

C is for: Connecting and Communicating (on Social Media)

How do conservators use social media? We discuss what conservation professionals share (and don’t share), if we post different things on Facebook vs. Twitter, and what conservators would like to see more of. Christina also talks to conservators Fiona McLees and Alex Walker from the Bodleian Library about their social media savvyness!

00:00:27 What exactly is social media, anyway?
00:01:14 How Kloe, Christina and Jenny use various platforms – and who our audiences are! 00:15:09 Survey results: favoured platforms and account types
00:16:58 What people choose to post about and quite a lot of opinions
00:24:09 How do conservators use the different platforms?
00:30:37 What do we share?
00:32:04 What DON’T we share?
00:40:08 What we love to see and your favourite accounts/groups
00:42:35 What we don’t like quite as much
00:47:31 Do we have professional discussions on social media?
00:51:01 Age and gender of our survey respondents
00:52:19 Generally about social media in museums
00:52:57 Interview with Fiona McLees and Alex Walker from the Bodleian Library
01:16:56 Questions, comments, and corrections
01:17:04 Patreon shout-out!

Show Notes:

– Come support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thecword
– Definition of social media according to What Is: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/social-media
– MCN’s lectures and talks on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/museumcn
– Bodleian Libraries Conservation on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bodleianconservation
– Bodleian Libraries Conservation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BodCons

Our (non-podcast) social media accounts:

– Kloe’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/KloeBellyDance
– Kloe’s Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/kloe.rumsey
– Kloe’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KloeBellyDance/
– Kloe’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kloe-rumsey-15a66978/
– Kloe’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kloe.rumsey/
– Christina’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/christinarozeik
– Christina’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-rozeik-66a11b16/
– Christina’s Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/christina.rozeik
– Christina’s Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/cryr2/
– Jenny’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/curatedjenny
– Jenny’s Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/jenniology
– Jenny’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-mathiasson-087a3392/
– Jenny’s Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/jenniology/

Your favourites from the survey:

– Horniman walrus account: https://twitter.com/hornimanwalrus
– Pitt Rivers store account: https://twitter.com/pitt_stores
– Art Conservation Advocates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/17558307624/
– NYU Library Preservation: http://nyupreservation.tumblr.com/
– V&A Conservation blog: http://www.vam.ac.uk/blog/section/conservation-blog
– Metropolitan Museum Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metmuseum/
– Smithsonian Library blog: https://blog.library.si.edu/
– West Dean College on Twitter: https://twitter.com/westdeancollege
– Thomas van Kampen on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thomasvkampen/
– Francesca Levey on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flevey/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E07: Extreme Conservation

C is for: Conditions to Maximum!

Buckle up! In this episode we have a chat about ‘extreme’ conservation and what that can mean – dangling off buildings, potholing for preservation, or working in extreme conditions. We talk to Cathy Tully, nomadic conservator-in-a-suitcase, and Sophie Rowe, a conservator who recently worked on in Antarctica.

00:00:33 News time!
00:02:40 Abseiling, underground conservation, and other unusual skills
00:05:31 Our extreme experiences (or lack thereof)
00:07:31 Interview with Cathy Tully
00:23:41 The joy of getting specialist supplies in different countries and the value of planning
00:24:22 What would you bring to a desert (island)?
00:25:00 Interpersonal skills and extreme freelancing
00:26:15 Working in politically unstable regions
00:27:41 Interview with Sophie Rowe
00:53:45 It’s serious when you involve the military in some fashion
00:55:11 When technology fails the pencil prevails!
00:57:31 Conservators in space next?
00:58:30 Visitor numbers are impressive on the South Pole!
00:59:06 Health and safety
01:00:51 Summary
01:02:19 Comments, questions, corrections
01:02:26 Patreon shout-out!

Show Notes:

– Come support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thecword
– Plastic eating larvae: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/apr/24/plastic-munching-worms-could-help-wage-war-on-waste-galleria-mellonella
– ‘Why Conservation Students Should Be Thinking BIG’ by Lucy Branch: https://icon.org.uk/news/why-conservation-students-should-be-thinking-big
– UCL Qatar: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/qatar
– UK Antarctic Heritage Trust: http://www.ukaht.org/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E06: Public Image

Today we’re talking about how we portray ourselves and how conservators are perceived: in both the media and in fiction. Kloe and Jenny have another natter about the app Articheck, and Christina reviews the book ‘The Public Face of Conservation.’

00:35 News time!
05:13 Popular culture, language use, and how we communicate
14:18 When people think stuff is fake…
16:50 Examples of articles about conservators, not their work
20:03 Profile raising, unexpected skills amongst conservators, and the Peter Principle
23:54 Is the white coat endearing or threatening?
25:20 Conservators in photographs and PR images
28:00 ‘Conservation’ and ‘conservator’ are not great search words
30:45 Fictional conservators
38:21 Why are there not more horror stories/films set in dark museum stores?!
40:25 Book review: The Public Face of Conservation
52:50 Questions, comments, corrections
53:48 Articheck review revisited
58:25 Patreon shout-out!

Show Notes:

– Come support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thecword
– Mary-Lou Florian’s book ‘Heritage Eaters’ (1997) now available for free: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/ubccommunityandpartnerspublicati/52387/items/1.0342857
– Conservation studio opens at Knowle: https://icon.org.uk/news/state-of-the-art-conservation-studio-opens-at-knole
– Our social media survey: https://thecword.typeform.com/to/rFRz1v
– National Gallery painting restored after just 10 days: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/mar/28/gainsborough-painting-mr-mrs-william-hallett-morning-walk-restored-rehung-national-gallery
– Things everyone got sent at the time – the Fitzwiliam vases and the Spanish church painting
– ‘My Day as a Conservator’ by Jack Kibble-White in Historic Scotland Magazine, Spring 2014: https://issuu.com/historic-scotland/docs/hs_spring_14
– ‘The Conservators’ in Museums Journal December 2013 (members only): http://www.museumsassociation.org/museums-journal/features/02122013-the-conservators
– ‘Increasing the profile and influence of conservation—an unexpected benefit of risk assessments’ by Dr Rogerson and Dr Garside: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19455224.2016.1214848
– Conservation Fiction list: http://cool.conservation-us.org/byauth/rushfield/conservation-fiction/
– Conservation Fiction blog posts: http://www.conservators-converse.org/tag/conservation-fiction/
– ‘The Public Face of Conservation’ (2013) via Archetype: https://www.archetype.co.uk/publication-details.php?id=186
– Articheck app: https://portal.articheck.com/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E05: Emerging Professionals

We tackle life as an emerging conservation professional (ECP): Jenny and Kloe talk to guest host Marie Jordan about their collective experiences as new conservators and share a few of our listeners’ stories. We talk about the struggles of both British and American ECPs and the importance of making a fuss. Christina interviews Jonathan Ashley-Smith about conservation training, craft skills (the other c word!), and why it’s important to play nice as an ECP.

00:00:25 News in brief
00:04:22 We’re on Patreon!
00:04:47 Marie, Kloe, and Jenny talk about being emerging professionals
00:06:03 What is an emerging conservation professional, anyway?
00:08:57 Who has had the worst job rejection?
00:13:15 Silent employers are the worst
00:15:40 Listener stories: travelling far and wide, the phenomenon of Skype interviews, short contracts, and working away from spouses
00:28:18 Resume gaps, volunteering, and how to deal with unemployment
00:39:10 Working away from partners and families
00:40:52 Listener stories: worst distance-to-contract-length ratio
00:41:41 Impossibly expensive cities to work in: London and San Fransisco
00:46:30 The need for empathy from employers
00:47:50 Status quo, diversity, and why you should be angry
00:53:21 Listener stories: inexperience, commuting times, and job security
00:56:17 Vital skills you need to get hired
00:58:52 Comments, suggestions, questions, corrections
00:59:20 Interview with Jonathan Ashley-Smith
01:17:33 Research and the possibly disillusioned graduate
01:19:32 Craft skills and extracurricular CV material
01:23:55 Resources for ECPs

Show Notes:

– IIC 2017 Student & Emerging Conservator Conference in Bern – save the date: https://www.iiconservation.org/node/6935
– Museums Day 2017: https://www.museumsassociation.org/news/07032017-advocate-for-your-museum-on-museums-day
– Oddy Testing and Off-Gassing Analysis Opportunity: Contribute your list of frequently-used materials! https://www.mail-archive.com/consdistlist@cool.conservation-us.org/msg00597.html
– New emerging professionals group established in Australia: https://www.facebook.com/AICCM/posts/1302744763128633
– Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thecword
– Marie’s homies at the American Swedish Historical Museum: http://www.americanswedish.org/
– MuseumPros on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumPros/


– Emerging Museum Professionals: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nempn
– Emerging Conservation Professionals Network: https://www.facebook.com/groups/419707523031
– Student Conservators @ Melbourne: http://www.studentconservators.com/
– Fistful of Cinctans blog entry on applying for museum jobs: https://fistfulofcinctans.wordpress.com/2016/01/12/museum-careers-advice-how-to-apply-for-jobs/
– Leicester Museums Jobs Desk: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/museumstudies/JobsDesk
– ICON Jobs: https://icon.org.uk/jobs
– Museum Jobs: http://www.museumjobs.com/
– National Museum Jobs: http://www.nationalmuseums.org.uk/jobs/
– Conservation List List archive: http://cool.conservation-us.org/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/
– NEW! Emerging Conservators Australia: https://www.facebook.com/groups/emergingconservatorsaustralia/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik. Special guest host: Marie Jordan.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E04: Glove Up!

We have a chat about gloves: their uses, problems, and varieties. Also is there such a thing as clean hands? Tune in for an interview with Dr Cordelia Rogerson and Dr Paul Garside from the British Library who tell us about their glove policies.

00:23 Gloves, gloves, gloves – and when people refuse to wear them
03:56 The health and safety aspect
05:46 Lifting the glove rule (ish)
07:21 The White Cotton Glove Problem
15:27 Not wearing gloves
16:15 Cross-contamination worries
22:49 Disposable gloves and recycling
24:31 Colours!
26:09 Chemical resistance in nitrile gloves
28:30 Hand cleanliness – or lack thereof
33:02 Subconscious bias?
35:34 Interview with Dr Cordelia Rogerson and Dr Paul Garside about glove policies
47:47 Review: Jenny and Kloe talk about their favourite nitrile gloves
52:22 Comments, corrections and questions

Show Notes:

– Arsenic in rice: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38910848
– Nitrile glove recycling scheme: https://www.terracycle.co.uk/en-UK/brigades/gloves
– Terry Kent’s research for the British Library: http://blogs.bl.uk/collectioncare/2016/09/fingerprints-their-potential-impact-in-relation-to-handling-library-collections.html

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E03: Visible Storage

We talk about visible storage: the hype, the pros and the cons, and whether we can or should show off our tattered storage boxes. Kloe also reviews and compared the apps Articheck and Evernote for condition reporting.

00:24 News in brief
06:10 Definition of visible storage
08:50 Good examples we know of
12:03 Conservation perspectives – plus what if our stores are rubbish?
23:58 Not all objects are pretty
27:10 Can’t we just put it online instead?
32:30 More good examples
35:00 Conservators on display
39:30 Yet more examples
42:45 Changing trends – is visible storage in fact going away?
44:41 Review: Articheck and Evernote

Show Notes:

– Museums Journal: ’NTS Unveils Conservation Plan’ https://www.museumsassociation.org/museums-journal/news-analysis/01032017-nts-unveils-conservation-plan (members only)
– Electricity: Spark of Life: https://wellcomecollection.org/electricity
– Robots exhibition: https://beta.sciencemuseum.org.uk/robots/
– Museums Journal: ‘Museums Hope for Change from Accreditation Review’ https://www.museumsassociation.org/museums-journal/news-analysis/01032017-museums-hope-for-change-from-accreditation-review (members only)
– Wikipedia on visible storage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_storage
– ‘Turning Museums Inside-Out with Beautiful Visible Storage’ by Cameron Maynard: http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/turning-museums-inside-out-with-beautiful-visible-storage
– ‘These New York Museums Let Visitors Go behind the Scenes to Explore Their Brimming Storage Facilities’ by Karen Kedmey: https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-new-york-museums-open-their-storage-to-the-public-putting-their-vast-collections-on-display
– Conservation Dist List archive: http://cool.conservation-us.org/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/2016/0096.html & http://www.cool.conservation-us.org/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/2016/0126.html & http://cool.conservation-us.org/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/2016/0164.html
– British Library’s Adopt-a-Book scheme: http://support.bl.uk/Page/Adopt-a-book/
– Museum Hack ‘Museum Pinterest Pros: 7 Institutions That May Pinspire You’ https://museumhack.com/museum-pinterest-pros/
– Collections Conversations on Visible Storage: https://collectionsconversations.wordpress.com/2012/05/18/visible-storage/
– Articheck: http://www.articheck.co.uk/
– Evernote: https://evernote.com/

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E02: Human Remains

We talk about human remains: how we might approach them as conservators, philosophical topics like consent and time, and examples from all over the world. Listen to an interview with conservator Barbara Wills sharing her experiences. We even review a topical book!

00:25 News in brief
01:35 Our experiences of working with the dead
03:18 Radio Newcastle snippet interviewing conservators Christina and Diana about mummies
05:00 Reactions to different types of human remains from the public – and from us!
08:10 Storage examples, the story of Bob, and Jeremy Bentham
12:12 Recent vs. ancient human remains
15:15 Consent, ethics, and privacy
21:58 Should we conserve human bodies?
24:20 Interview: Barbara Wills chats about her experiences with mummies
35:40 Contemplations, anxieties, and coping strategies as conservators
41:04 What really counts as human remains?
45:25 Context is everything: what about how they died and how long ago?
49:20 Licensing
53:00 Funerary objects
55:20 Review: The Conservation of Hair (book)

Show Notes:

– Heritage Science Group Photo Competition: http://icon.org.uk/news/icon-heritage-science-group-photo-competition-launched
– National Army Museum: “Watch the conservation of Major ‘Bronco’ Lane’s frostbitten toes” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntBE9gAhDD0
– Jeremy Bentham: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Bentham
– Preservation of Lenin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenin’s_Mausoleum
– ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ Rosalia Lombardo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalia_Lombardo
– Body Worlds by Gunther von Hagens: http://www.bodyworlds.com/en.html
– Ötzi the Iceman: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96tzi
– Further reading for people interested in Barbara’s work: http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/publications/research_publications_series/2015/regarding_the_dead.aspx
– Human Remains in Museums (Museums Association): https://www.museumsassociation.org/campaigns/8125
– Human Tissue Authority: https://www.hta.gov.uk/
– The Conservation of Hair: https://www.archetype.co.uk/publication-details.php?id=227

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

S01E01: Demographics

We discuss who we are as conservators: the demographics, the diversity (or lack thereof), and what a typical conservator is like. Who are we, why are we, and can we change it?

00:50 News in brief
01:26 Who are we? What does a typical conservator look like?
04:55 Stereotypes of conservators
10:05 Education and qualifications
14:14 Age range in conservators – and previous careers!
17:48 Disabilities amongst conservators
26:56 Ethnicity and class
36:20 Is there a white middle class way of conserving objects?
41:23 Summary
42:08 Men in conservation (and why we love them)
44:30 Review: Toggl app
47:06 Comments, questions, corrections

Show Notes:

– Propose a session for Museums Association’s 2017 Conference: http://www.museumsassociation.org/news/24012017-propose-a-session-for-manchester-2017
– Conservation Labour Market Intelligence Survey: http://icon.org.uk/system/files/documents/conservation_labour_market_intelligence_2012-13_0.pdf
– Toggl timekeeping app: http://www.toggl.com

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2017.

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