Buckle up as we go on a ride exploring the topic of couriering and the art of escorting an object on loan: from low-glam trips to prestigious treks across the globe! What’s involved? Who gets to go? What if something goes wrong? Kloe documents her first courier trip to Brussels and Christina shares her various conservation adventures. Also tune in for a Dear Jane that unexpectedly turns into Dear Fletcher!
00:00:22 Announcement: #Icon19 meet-up!
00:00:56 What do we mean by couriering?
00:03:31 Our experiences of couriering
00:11:41 Who pays for loans, anyway?
00:15:40 Lending pressures and object fatigue
00:22:23 Kloe’s courier trip to Brussels
00:41:48 When things don’t go to plan
01:01:03 Modes of transport and financial compensation
01:06:22 The perks of the job (and some drawbacks)
01:11:02 Listener stories
01:13:36 Dear Jane
01:18:02 Patreon shout-out
01:19:10 Questions, comments, corrections: digitization and acknowledgements
Show Notes:
– Making Collections Effective (2007): https://www.museumsassociation.org/download?id=14112
– ‘The mummy of all Tutankhamun shows will land in London’ via The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/feb/21/largest-ever-tutankhamun-display-coming-to-london
– House of European History: https://historia-europa.ep.eu/en
– Restless Youth exhibition at HEH: https://historia-europa.ep.eu/en/restless-youth
– Fashion & Lace Museum: http://www.fashionandlacemuseum.brussels/en
– BELvue (Museum of Democracy): https://belvue.be/en
– NatSCA blog ‘Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be?’ by Paolo Viscardi: https://natsca.blog/2017/02/28/neither-a-borrower-nor-a-lender-be/
– ‘Server crash takes out rich digital archive at Memorial University’: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/mun-digital-archives-wiped-out-1.4787960
– ‘A visit to the CBC archives, on the eve of destruction’: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/article-15-million-digitization-project-for-cbc-archives-upsets-some-critics/
– ‘CBC says it will carry on with destruction of broadcast archives once digitized’: https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/cbc-says-it-will-carry-on-with-destruction-of-broadcast-archives-once-digitized
Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Christina Rozeik.
Intro and outro music by DDmyzik used under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Additional sound effects and music by Calum Robertson.
Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.
A Wooden Dice production, 2019.