S16E01: Heritage Skills

Liz and Solange are joined by Mary Lewis, head of craft sustainability at Heritage Crafts. Where does conservation and craft overlap? Let’s talk it out! Also tune in for a book review from Jenny.

00:24 Sponsorship news, hooray!
01:57 Meet Mary
05:53 Kindling crafts and their benefits
07:44 Intangible cultural heritage and the fetishisation of objects
11:45 Endangered crafts
17:19 Being human and using your hands
24:40 Overlap between making and repairing or maintaining
30:32 Woes of making a living
35:42 Shortages in conservation and crafts
42:58 What’s the next big craft trend?
48:44 Review: Conservation of Plaster Casts

Show Notes:
– BevArt: https://www.bev.art/
– Heritage Crafts: https://www.heritagecrafts.org.uk/
– A little about Mary: https://www.heritagecrafts.org.uk/staff/mary-lewis/
– Ratification of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/united-kingdom-great-britain-and-northern-ireland-ratifies-2003-convention-safeguarding-intangible
– The Red List of Endangered Crafts: https://www.heritagecrafts.org.uk/skills/redlist/
– List of Living National Treasures of Japan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Living_National_Treasures_of_Japan_(crafts)
– Stone carving podcast mentioned by Solange: https://sites.libsyn.com/442152
– Conservation of Plaster Casts: https://archetype.co.uk/our-titles/conservation-of-plaster-casts/?id=436

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Solange Masher, Liz Hébert, and Mary Lewis.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2025.

S15E08: Christmas Special

Ho ho ho! In this festive special the team assembles to play a game of ‘Would you rather?’ and make some predictions for the year ahead – plus an exciting announcement from Phedra and Kloe!

00:05:13 A game of ‘Would you rather?’
00:31:07 Predictions for 2025
00:38:04 The announcement!
00:41:01 Songs on YouTube
00:41:34 Thank you, listeners!

Show Notes:
– S09E08 Dyes in Conservation: https://thecword.show/2021/06/30/s09e08-dyes-in-conservation/
– S06E03 The One with the Arduino: https://thecword.show/2019/10/16/s06e03-the-one-with-the-arduino/
– Xray My Advent (Mastodon advent calendar): https://glammr.us/tags/XrayMyAdvent
– Christmas playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrpSmIb8Dh32tU-6vLnvhEGVwauPGC3Ug

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, Phedra Komodromou, Solange Masher, and Liz Hébert.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S15E07: Apprenticeships

We consider a few different takes on apprenticeships: Liz has been an apprentice, Jenny has hosted one, and Kloe is keen. Kloe also talks to Jane Henderson about the potential pitfalls, and Solange interviews stone carvers Nina Bilbey and Charlotte Howarth about how apprenticeships work in their industry. Don’t forget to tune in for a Dear Jane about choosing a specialism at the end!

00:02:11 Recent keynote on the topic
00:08:38 Liz’ experience of apprenticeships
00:15:30 How do you get to host an apprentice? (Jenny gets this a little wrong)
00:20:28 Jenny’s experience of hosting a Level 3 apprenticeship
00:34:05 Some alternative approaches
00:37:48 Will employers accept apprentices?
00:45:46 Passing on knowledge
00:47:20 Correction about length of Icon apprenticeships
00:48:25 Interview with Jane Henderson
01:07:24 Interview with Charlotte and Nina
01:20:06 Dear Jane

Show Notes:
– S15E01 Icon24 Special + Summer Updates: https://thecword.show/2024/09/18/s15e01-icon24-special-summer-updates/
– Diversity Discussion Panel Bonus Episode: https://thecword.show/2019/03/01/bonus-episode-diversity-discussion-panel/
– Marsh conservation award winners 2024: https://www.icon.org.uk/resource/marsh-conservation-awards-winners-announced-at-icon24.html
– Art CPR: https://www.artcpr.com/
– National minimum wage (including apprentices): https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates
– Apprenticeship levels in the UK explained: https://www.gov.uk/become-apprentice
– Georgie Dennis Conservation: https://www.georgiedennisconservation.com/
– S15E05 Accreditation Part 2: https://thecword.show/2024/11/13/s15e05-accreditation-part-2-the-international-take/
– SRAL: https://sral.nl/en
– Icon apprenticeships: https://www.icon.org.uk/careers/conservation-apprenticeships.html
– Museums Association AMA: https://www.museumsassociation.org/careers/ama/
– Charlotte Howarth: https://www.making-marks.com/
– Nina Bilbey: https://ninabilbey.com/
– The Lettering Arts Trust: https://www.letteringartstrust.org.uk/
– Listen to Charlotte and Nina’s podcast: https://sites.libsyn.com/442152

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Liz Hébert.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S15E06: National Trust Takeover

In this takeover special the conservators at the National Trust take us behind the scenes: telling us their stories, sharing their hopes for the future, and smashing myths about NT properties!

00:00:12 Have you heard of BevArt?
00:02:12 Sarah and Siobhan introduce the National Trust
00:08:18 Urban gems
00:10:14 Managing collections in houses
00:17:04 Changing approaches to preservation
00:22:30 Anita and Rebecca go for a walk
00:27:34 Saying hello to Sarah and the book conservation volunteers
00:32:41 Clare and Claire in the textile studio
00:39:01 Internships and learning
00:43:54 Looking to the future of the studio
00:45:55 Sarah visits Emma at the Knole studio
00:52:37 Sharing the space
01:00:45 Sharing the knowledge
01:04:40 Routes into the profession
01:07:54 Going into the Royal Oak studio
01:11:15 Saying hi to Anna and the artworks
01:19:04 Bonus content: stags at sunset!

Show Notes:
– BevArt: https://www.bev.art/
– BevArt’s buy-back scheme: https://www.bev.art/blog/bev-art-launches-sensor-buy-back-program
– The National Trust: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/
– Batemans: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/sussex/batemans
– Hughenden Manor: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/oxfordshire-buckinghamshire-berkshire/hughenden
– The Textile Conservation Studio: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/norfolk/the-textile-conservation-studio
– The Royal Oak Foundation Conservation Studio: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/kent/the-royal-oak-foundation-conservation-studio

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by the conservators at the National Trust in collaboration with The C Word team.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S15E05: Accreditation (Part 2: The International Take)

Kloe and Solange give an update on their respective journeys while Liz and Phaedra talk to Bethany Jo Mikelait and Mariana Onofri about how the profession (and accreditation) works in Canada and Brazil. Also tune in for a Dear Jane about gently refusing to work on an object.

00:00:23 Solange and Kloe’s updates
00:15:29 Who are our co-hosts?
00:16:32 How it works in Canada
00:31:28 How it works in Brazil
00:45:48 How can we be regulated BUT also inclusive?
01:01:51 Dear Jane

Show Notes:
– S13E02 Accreditation (Part 1): https://thecword.show/2023/04/05/s13e02-accreditation-part-1/
– Canadian Association of Professional Conservators: https://capc-acrp.ca/
– Bethany’s practice: https://www.theartconservatory.ca/
– Follow Mariana on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marianaonofri.restauro/
– Canadian Conservation Institute: https://www.canada.ca/en/conservation-institute.html
– Q&A with Indigenous lawmaker Célia Xakriabá: https://news.mongabay.com/2023/02/if-brazil-starts-with-us-why-did-we-arrive-last-qa-with-indigenous-lawmaker-celia-xakriaba/
– Regulamenta Ja’s Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/regulamentaja_cr/
– News in Conservation article by Sayang Rehan: https://www.iiconservation.org/publications/nic/news-conservation-issue-102-june-july-2024
– Museums Association Ethics Committee: https://www.museumsassociation.org/campaigns/ethics/committee/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Kloe Rumsey, Phedra Komodromou, Liz Hébert, Bethany Jo Mikelait, Mariana Onofri, and Solange Masher.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S15E04: Halloween Special

Echoes of the past, dead objects, and creepy stores – Solange, Kloe and Jenny have a lot on their minds in this year’s spooky special! Jenny also visits a newly opened paranormal museum, Liz reviews an enchanting chapter from a sumptuous tome, and Jenny reads a book of ghost stories set in heritage locations.

00:34 Have you heard of BevArt?
04:59 What are ‘ghost signs’ exactly?
16:17 Solange’s haunted attic dwelling
21:19 We get philosophical about the lives of objects
27:52 Spooky stores
33:01 Jenny visits Rowtons’ Museum of the Paranormal and Spirituality
39:59 Jenny reviews ‘Eight Ghosts’
43:00 Liz reviews ‘Art as a Spell’
47:01 Patreon teaser – Phedra’s mystery

Show Notes:
– BevArt: https://www.bev.art/
– BevArt’s buy-back scheme: https://www.bev.art/blog/bev-art-launches-sensor-buy-back-program
– Ghost signs according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_sign
– Historic England Ghost Sign project: https://historicengland.org.uk/whats-new/features/ghost-signs/
– Park Hill graffiti: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Love_You_Will_U_Marry_Me
– S01E02 Human Remains: https://thecword.show/2017/03/15/s01e02-human-remains/
– The Unbinding: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27485427/
– Lyrics to Puff the Magic Dragon: https://genius.com/Peter-paul-and-mary-puff-the-magic-dragon-lyrics
– Rowtons’ Museum of the Paranormal and Spirituality: https://rowtonsmuseum.co.uk/
– Witchcraft – The Library of Esoterica: https://www.taschen.com/en/books/esoterica/08019/witchcraft-the-library-of-esoterica/
– Eight Ghosts book project via English Heritage: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/halloween/eight-ghosts/ and https://www.english-heritageshop.org.uk/eight-ghosts-paperback
– Buy the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eight-Ghosts-English-Heritage-Stories/dp/1910463736

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Solange Masher.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S15E03: Glass Conservation

What’s it like to work on glass? Jenny and Phedra are joined by emerging conservator Terri Costello as they explore this fragile but ancient material. Also tune in for Solange’s interview with artist Freya Laughton about preserving memories in glass.

01:40 Phedra’s adventures with Roman glass
04:30 All the exciting places we find it in collections
11:36 Trying out glassblowing and involving expert makers
19:03 Chemistry, imperfections and tools
34:00 Colourful chemistry and stresses in glass
41:56 Getting started in glass
43:31 Interview with Freya Laughton
54:44 Patreon shout-out

Show Notes:
– Costello Conservation: https://costelloconservation.com/
– Go follow Terri on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t.costello.conservation/
– Glass and ceramics programme at University of Amsterdam: https://www.uva.nl/shared-content/programmas/en/masters/conservation-and-restoration-of-cultural-heritage/study-programme/glass-and-ceramics/glass-and-ceramics.html
– Egyptian faïence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_faience
– Glasriket: https://glasriket.se/en/
– Blown Away on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/gb/title/80215147
– Allard Pierson Museum: https://allardpierson.nl/en/
– Corning Museum of Glass: https://home.cmog.org/
– The Glass Heart exhibition: https://twotempleplace.org/exhibitions/the-glass-heart/
– A beautiful infographic about coloured glass: https://www.compoundchem.com/2015/03/03/coloured-glass/
– Fractography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractography
– The Techniques of Roman-Period Glassblowing: https://romanglassblowing.cmog.org/
– Seafire Design: https://www.seafiredesign.co.uk/
– Follow Freya on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seafire_design

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Phedra Komodromou, and Terri Costello.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S15E02: Condition: Lost

Fess up: when did you last lose something? Liz, Phedra, Kloe and Jenny explore what ‘loss’ can mean in collections, in heritage generally, and in conservation.

00:01:10 What do we mean by lost?
00:02:13 Misplaced, disassociated, data loss
00:05:59 Kloe is a fan of the hard copy
00:11:53 Theft in museums
00:15:37 Does loss enhance the value of art?
00:17:56 The motivation behind a theft matters
00:21:30 Freeports and their implications
00:29:09 ‘Redistributed’ or looted heritage
00:34:09 Climate change brings loss
00:36:44 Custodial neglect in our personal lives
00:50:14 Have you lost something during treatment?
01:04:07 Support us on Patreon

Show Notes:
– Dissociation as an agent of deterioration: https://www.digitwithraven.com/single-post/agents-of-deterioration-dissociation
– ‘Thief at the British Museum’ podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001zlz0/episodes/player
– The theft of the Mona Lisa in 1911: https://www.historytoday.com/archive/months-past/mona-lisa-stolen-louvre
– Cyprus receives artefacts back: https://cyprus-mail.com/2024/07/22/returned-items-reflect-struggle-to-recover-cultural-heritage/
– Geneva Free Port article: https://www.thecollector.com/geneva-free-port-the-worlds-most-secretive-art-warehouse/
– Acceptance In Lieu: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/supporting-arts-museums-and-libraries/supporting-collections-and-cultural-property/acceptance-lieu
– Art UK database: https://artuk.org/
– Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens: https://hillwoodmuseum.org
– S11E01 Conservation and Conflict: https://thecword.show/2022/03/23/s11e01-conservation-and-conflict/
– Pontic Greeks on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontic_Greeks
– Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online: https://www.sucho.org/
– Kloe’s event on costume care: https://dancejoy.co.uk/
– S04E07 Tools Galore: https://thecword.show/2018/12/12/s04e07-tools-galore/
– S14E06 Musical Instruments: https://thecword.show/2024/05/30/s14e06-musical-instruments/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Phedra Komodromou, Liz Hébert, and Kloe Rumsey.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S15E01: Icon24 Special + Summer Updates

We recap our experiences at Icon24: Conservation for Change as we reflect on the conference and our first nearly-full-team meet-up! Phedra also interviews Patrick Whife from Icon about organising the event. Finally we all share our various summer adventures and plans for the autumn!

00:02:07 We went to a conference (you might’ve guessed)
00:08:11 Audio adventures from Icon24
00:42:41 Phedra has a great idea (please steal it)
00:44:13 Creating a better experience online
00:50:32 We’d have Icon Loughborough or Icon Doncaster
00:53:06 Interview with Patrick Whife
01:13:16 What have Jenny, Phedra and Kloe been doing this summer?
01:19:22 Solange’s summer update
01:21:45 And a summer update from Liz
01:23:55 Support us on Patreon

Show Notes:
– Icon24 details: https://www.icon.org.uk/events/icon-2024-conference-conservation-for-change.html
– Assassins Creed Odyssey: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/assassins-creed/odyssey
– Book a tour with Liz: https://www.thoseamsterdames.com/
– Buy something from our shop: https://thecword.show/shop/
– Send us a donation: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/thecwordpodcast

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Phedra Komodromou, and Kloe Rumsey.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S14E08: Deconstructed Road Trip Special

In this year’s travel special we go on FOUR individual journeys: a sort of deconstructed road trip. Kloe goes to sunny Spain, Liz takes her bike to the Rijks Museum, Jenny darts between museums in Sweden, and finally Phedra goes on a watery adventure in Cyprus. Don’t miss the return of Cass Fino-Radin at the end of the episode, when they interview emerging conservation professionals at the recent AIC conference in Salt Lake City. Sit back and enjoy the journey!

00:00:36 What’s a deconstructed road trip exactly?
00:04:06 Kloe excitedly explores Spain
00:21:44 Liz visits the Rijks Museum
00:34:40 Jenny wanders around Sweden
00:53:01 Phedra goes underwater in Cyprus
01:10:45 Cass interviews ECPs at AIC

Show Notes:
– S11E08 Manx Road Trip Special: https://thecword.show/2022/06/29/s11e08-manx-road-trip-special/
– Museo Arqueológico Nacional: https://www.esmadrid.com/en/tourist-information/museo-arqueologico-nacional
– Fancy restaurant alert (Corral de la Morería Gastronómico): https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/comunidad-de-madrid/madrid/restaurant/corral-de-la-moreria-gastronomico
– Alcalá de Henares, Spain: https://artsandculture.google.com/story/agXhkBx8wyUD-w?hl=en
– Rijks Museum: https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en
– Van Gogh Museum: https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en
– Stedelijk Museum: https://www.stedelijk.nl/en
– Operation Night Watch: https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/stories/operation-night-watch
– Those Amsterdames tours: https://www.thoseamsterdames.com/
– Carl Larsson-gården, Sundborn: https://www.carllarsson.se/en/
– Dalarna in Sweden: https://www.visitdalarna.se/en
– Falu Gruvmuseum: https://www.falugruva.se/en/
– Mining world heritage site of Falun: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1027/
– Christopher Polhem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Polhem
– Polhem B&B: https://polhembedandbreakfast.se/en/
– VRAK Museum of Wrecks: https://www.vrak.se/en/
– Paphos, Cyprus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paphos
– Tomb of the Kings: https://www.visitcyprus.com/index.php/en/discovercyprus/culture/sites-monuments/253-tombs-of-the-kings
– MUSAN Museum of Underwater Sculpture Ayia Napa: https://musan.com.cy/
– Jason deCaires Taylor: https://underwatersculpture.com/
– Phedra’s diving instructor: https://www.instagram.com/marishaa_cy
– S13E07 Time-Based Media Conservation: https://thecword.show/2023/06/15/s13e07-time-based-media-conservation/
– Art and Obsolescence podcast: https://www.artandobsolescence.com/
– AIC 52nd Annual Meeting (Salt Lake City 2024): https://www.culturalheritage.org/events/annual-meeting/past-meetings/52nd-annual-meeting-in-salt-lake-city-(2024)

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson and Kloe Rumsey.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

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