S14E02: Getting a Foot in the Door

Liz and Phedra join forces with freelance paintings conservator Alexis Drapanas as they tackle an ECP special! Phedra also interviews conservator Kerith Koss Schrager and intern Adrienne Gendron about health and safety for emerging professionals. And don’t forget to tune in for a Dear Jane about getting into some more unusual specialisms!

00:00:45 Introducing our ECP hosts
00:08:02 Straight from university to private practice
00:09:15 What does ‘emerging’ mean to you?
00:16:01 Let’s talk money!
00:24:37 Paperwork in real life
00:29:22 Job searching across Europe
00:37:44 How to break down the door
00:45:45 Patreon teaser
00:46:00 Interview with Kerith Koss Schrager and Adrienne Gendron
01:00:57 Phedra’s recommended listening
01:03:19 Dear Jane

Show Notes:
– Alexis’ website: https://www.drapanas.com/
– Follow Phedra on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phedrakom/
– Cardiff University: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/course/conservation-of-objects-in-museums-and-archaeology-bsc
– Lorenzo de Medici Institute: https://ldminstitute.com/department/restoration/
– Follow Liz on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lizhebertxcvi
– Follow Liz on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lizhebertxcvi/
– Conversation Conservation on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conversationconservation/
– AIC Health and Safety Wiki: https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Category:Health_%26_Safety
– Health and safety beginner’s guide: https://www.conservation-wiki.com/w/images/1/1d/H%26S_BeginnerGuide.pdf
– Hazards in collections eTool: https://hazardsincollections.org.uk/
– 6 session C2C Course – Health and Safety in Collections Care: https://learning.culturalheritage.org/products/c2c-care-course-health-and-safety-in-collections-care

Phedra’s recommended listening:
– S01E05 Emerging Professionals: https://thecword.show/2017/04/26/s01e05-emerging-professionals/
– S02E04 Emerging Professionals 2: https://thecword.show/2017/10/04/s02e04-emerging-professionals-2/
– S13E02 Accreditation Part 1: https://thecword.show/2023/04/05/s13e02-accreditation-part-1/
– S12E06 Time Management: https://thecword.show/2022/11/23/s12e06-time-management/
– S12E01 Job Interviews: https://thecword.show/2022/09/14/s12e01-job-interviews/
– S11E04 Building a Business: https://thecword.show/2022/05/04/s11e04-building-a-business/
– S10E05 Aches and Pains: https://thecword.show/2021/11/10/s10e05-aches-and-pains/
– S05E05 Portfolio Extravaganza: https://thecword.show/2019/05/15/s05e05-portfolio-extravaganza/
– S04E02 Parenthood: https://thecword.show/2018/10/03/s04e02-parenthood/

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Hosted by Liz Hébert, Phedra Komodromou, and Alexis Drapanas.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

S14E01: Meet the Team (or A Few of Our Favourite Things)

Meet the dream team! It’s a crowded recording session today: Jenny and Kloe ask their new colleagues Liz, Phedra, and Solange about their new roles and their favourite objects, tools, and adhesives. What ARE a few of our favourite things? Also tune in for a review of ‘Conservation of Books’ from Solange!

00:02:16 Who’s Liz?
00:04:22 And who’s Phedra?
00:07:00 Aaand who’s Solange?
00:09:38 Experimentation ahead
00:14:10 Favourite Instagram accounts
00:17:08 Favourite objects
00:25:31 Least favourite objects!
00:34:02 Can you have a favourite pest…?
00:37:33 Favourite adhesive
00:53:38 Favourite tools
01:04:17 Review: Conservation of Books

Show Notes:
– Follow Liz on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lizhebertxcvi
– Follow Liz on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lizhebertxcvi/
– Liz’s website: https://readymag.website/u1771381592/4680039/
– The EC Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/35cVChweygfrY8A7o4LLiw or https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ecpodcast/id1507272772
– Future Conservator Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-979095571
– Follow Phedra on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phedrakom/
– Follow Solange on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liber.conservation
– Solange’s business: https://liberconservation.co.uk/
– You should definitely support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thecword
– Squeaky Conservator on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@squeakyconserves
– Our new Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_c_word_podcast
– International Mount Makers Forum: https://www.instagram.com/internationalmountmakersforum/
– Classical Studies Memes for Hellenistic Teens: https://www.instagram.com/csmfht/
– Fun Conservators: https://www.instagram.com/fun_conservators/
– Reversible Zine: https://www.instagram.com/reversiblezine/
– The Lady Art Handler: https://www.instagram.com/theladyarthandler/
– Conservation in Focus: https://www.instagram.com/conservationinfocus/
– Bridget Mitchell: https://www.instagram.com/bridget.mitchell_/
– S10E05 Aches and Pains: https://thecword.show/2021/11/10/s10e05-aches-and-pains/
– CAC-ACCR Conference (Keeping it Real: Conservation in Practice): https://www.cac-accr.ca/our-conferences/
– Conservation of Books (edited by Abigail Bainbridge): https://www.routledge.com/Conservation-of-Books/Bainbridge/p/book/9780367754907

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, Solange Masher, Liz Hébert, and Phedra Komodromou.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2024.

Bonus Episode: The Announcement

In this special bonus episode we make a couple of overdue announcements, take you with us to an award ceremony in Cardiff, and profess our undying love for our listeners. Would you like to join us on The C Word team? Get in touch!

00:57 We’re having a break – and we’re recruiting!
07:31 We’ve got an award
09:21 Recording from The 30(ish) Awards
17:50 Dear Jane teaser
18:51 Patreon shout out

Show Notes:
– Recruitment page: https://thecword.show/recruitment/
– The 30(ish) Awards winners: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/alumni/features/30ish-awards-2023
– Dear Jane cotton bud video: https://youtu.be/lZg8hNajdQg

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson and Kloe Rumsey.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

S13E08: Paintings Conservation

In this one we talk to Professor Aviva Burnstock about what paintings can be and we chat with Polly Saltmarsh about communicating conservation and the joys of sticky toffee pudding sauce. Also tune in for a review of ‘On Canvas: Preserving the Structure of Paintings’ by Stephen Hackney from Kloe.

03:48 When is a painting a painting?
10:05 On the nature of painted surfaces
13:13 How students might approach a painting
16:20 A chat about varnish
27:39 The joy of microscopy
28:39 Gut feelings and forgeries
34:06 Interview with Polly Saltmarsh
48:03 Review: On Canvas
52:28 Patreon appeal

Show Notes:
– The Courtauld Institute of Art: https://courtauld.ac.uk/
– Art and Artifice fakes exhibition: https://courtauld.ac.uk/whats-on/art-and-artifice-fakes-from-the-collection/
– Fake or Fortune: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01mxxz6
– Polly’s website: https://www.paintingsconservation.co.uk/
– Reopening the National Portrait Gallery: https://www.npg.org.uk/blog/road-to-reopening
– On Canvas: https://shop.getty.edu/products/on-canvas-preserving-the-structure-of-paintings-978-1606066263?variant=29175364157517

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Aviva Burnstock.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

S13E07: Time-Based Media Conservation

We’re joined by special guest host Cass Fino-Radin as we talk about time-based media: what it can be, what the challenges are, and what we can do to preserve it. From mechanical components to maintaining software, we geek out about everything that’s wonderful about this type of conservation. Also tune in for a review of poetry pamphlet ‘Accessioning’ by Charlotte Wetton.

00:21 A long-time spreadsheet idea
02:44 A potted history of time-based media (maybe)
05:41 Conservation of performance art
10:26 The wildest thing about time-based media
12:40 Cass’ origin story
22:36 Blurry objects and things going off
27:54 More suggestions for what time-based media is
30:55 Old vs new technology
36:56 What makes a good time-based media conservator?
40:03 Review: Accessioning
44:54 Patreon appeal

Show Notes:
– Art and Obsolescence podcast: https://www.artandobsolescence.com/
– Cass’ website: https://finoradin.info/
– Pip Laurenson: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/art-history/people/academic-staff/professor-pip-laurenson
– Episode with Glenn Wharton: https://www.artandobsolescence.com/episodes/005-glenn-wharton
– MoMA Media and Performance department: https://www.moma.org/about/curatorial-departments/media-performance
– S05E03 Contemporary Art: https://thecword.show/2019/04/17/s05e03-contemporary-art/
– Episode with Annet Dekker: https://www.artandobsolescence.com/episodes/043-annet-dekker
– Rhizome: https://rhizome.org/
– AIC 40th annual meeting in Albuquerque (2012): https://www.culturalheritage.org/docs/default-source/publications/periodicals/annual-meeting/2012-annual-meeting-abstracts.pdf?sfvrsn=1dbb1699_8
– Cass’ company Small Data Industries: https://smalldata.industries/
– Cooper Hewitt: https://www.cooperhewitt.org/
– S09E05 Dynamic Objects: https://thecword.show/2021/05/19/s09e05-dynamic-objects/
– S06E03 The One with the Arduino: https://thecword.show/2019/10/16/s06e03-the-one-with-the-arduino/
– S01E09 Museum Pi: https://thecword.show/2017/06/21/s01e09-museum-pi/
– Time-based media according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_and_restoration_of_time-based_media_art
– Planetary app case study: https://www.cooperhewitt.org/2019/05/16/planetary-cooper-hewitts-first-ios-app/
– Accessioning poetry pamphlet: https://theemmapress.com/shop/poetry/pamphlets/accessioning/

Support us on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/thecword

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Cass Fino-Radin.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

S13E06: Conference Takeover Special

In this episode Jenny and Kloe address a correction before launching into a takeover special: join Kloe, Nerys Rudder and Jane Henderson as they go to the ‘Changing the World: Approach, Strategy and the Future of University Museums’ UMG conference and run around the newly refurbished Manchester Museum.

03:55 A correction from Jane
07:13 Other comments from listeners
12:19 Three conservators go to a conference
55:28 Patreon appeal

Show Notes:
– Manchester Museum: https://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/
– UMG Spring Conference 2023: http://universitymuseumsgroup.org/events/save-the-date-manchester-2023/
– S13E02 Accreditation Part 1: https://thecword.show/2023/04/05/s13e02-accreditation-part-1/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, Jane Henderson and Nerys Rudder.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

S13E05: Being in Business

Together with special co-host Alison Lister we explore the private sector: from our workspaces to how we learn on the job. Join us for a catch-up on Jenny’s adventures in business, along with Kloe’s commercial experience and Alison’s passionate call for us all to share more. Bridget Mitchell tells us about finding joy in your business and the power of positive thinking. Also tune in for an audio tour of Jenny’s workspace and a round-up of the Museums + Heritage Show in London.

00:00:42 Wait, are we talking business again?
00:05:16 The old museum vs business conundrum
00:09:27 The importance of Time
00:15:48 What does a conservation space look like?
00:18:42 Why we need to make a fuss
00:27:55 Private practice is people work
00:33:13 How could we be supported to share more?
00:35:18 Training and professional development
00:46:26 The future of private practice
00:49:49 Jenny’s round-up of the Museums + Heritage Show and Icon meet-up
00:55:18 Interview with Bridget Mitchell
01:04:43 Tour of Jenny’s workspace
01:12:07 Patreon appeal

Show Notes:
– S11E04 Building a Business: https://thecword.show/2022/05/04/s11e04-building-a-business/
– S02E03 Freelancing: https://thecword.show/2017/09/22/s02e03-freelancing/
– Alison’s company: https://textileconservation.co.uk/
– S09E08 Dyes in Conservation: https://thecword.show/2021/06/30/s09e08-dyes-in-conservation/
– Secrets of the National Trust: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secrets_of_the_National_Trust
– Hidden Treasures of the National Trust (the one Jenny actually meant): https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/discover/film-tv/hidden-treasures-of-the-national-trust
– Secrets of the Museum: https://www.vam.ac.uk/info/secrets-of-the-museum
– The Repair Shop: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08l581p
– Kickstart Scheme: https://www.kickstart-uk.com/
– S01E01 Demographics: https://thecword.show/2017/02/15/demographics/
– Museums + Heritage Show: https://show.museumsandheritage.com/
– Plowden winner Julie Dawson: https://www.icon.org.uk/resource/icon-emeritus-member-julie-dawson-wins-prestigious-plowden-medal-for-conservation.html
– Marsh Charitable Trust awards: https://www.icon.org.uk/resource/winners-marsh-awards-for-conservation-2023.html
– Follow Bridget on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arcapreservation/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Alison Lister.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

S13E04: Working with Adult Learning

We’re joined by special guest host Stella Toonen as we explore a topic with many synonyms: public programming, outreach, adult learning, and so many more! We get enthused about ideas for events that conservation can get in on, and talk about the many pitfalls – and benefits – of co-creation in museums.

01:06 What’s this episode about?
03:52 Stella’s outreach journey
05:50 Kloe’s experiences facilitating events
09:39 Jenny’s experiences working with the public
13:27 Growing audiences and different offers
19:40 Examples of events for grown-ups
25:44 Saddling an artist with the work of museums
28:53 Stella’s research around co-creation
35:09 Involve conservators early!
38:02 Inspo for learning events
46:03 Comments, questions, and corrections
53:49 Patreon appeal and shout out

Show Notes:
– Follow Stella here: https://twitter.com/StellaToonen
– Stella’s website: https://stellatoonencom.wordpress.com/
– S11E03 Working with Learning: https://thecword.show/2022/04/20/s11e03-working-with-learning/
– Heritage Open Days: https://www.heritageopendays.org.uk/
– S05E06 Touchy Feely: https://thecword.show/2019/05/29/s05e06-touchy-feely/
– Ladder of Participation explained: https://organizingengagement.org/models/ladder-of-citizen-participation/
– Tania Bruguera at the Tate: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/tania-bruguera-11982
– Tate: https://www.tate.org.uk/
– The Whitworth: https://www.whitworth.manchester.ac.uk/
– Queens Museum: https://queensmuseum.org/
– Awards, grants and scholarships mentioned for students: https://www.artsscholars.org/awards-grants-scholarships

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Stella Toonen.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

S13E03: Conflict and Collections

We’re joined by curator Karen Logan as we talk about working with collections that stir up emotions and recent memories: from The Troubles in Northern Ireland to Brexit and activism. Also tune in for Kloe’s thoughts and feelings on human remains and other displays as she visited Egypt in February.

04:00 How did this episode come about?
08:26 What are The Troubles?
15:40 What to include
18:10 Contemporary collecting
23:40 Including people is powerful
26:11 Audience differences
27:50 Collecting Brexit
32:24 Responding to challenges
39:49 Kloe’s visit to NMEC
47:20 Patreon appeal and shout out

Show Notes:
– National Museums NI: https://www.nationalmuseumsni.org/
– The Troubles according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Troubles
– Collecting The Troubles and Beyond: https://www.nationalmuseumsni.org/resources/collecting-troubles-and-beyond
– Collecting Cultures by NHLF: https://www.heritagefund.org.uk/about/insight/evaluation/collecting-cultures-evaluation
– PHM collecting: https://phm.org.uk/collections/
– James Ellis (actor): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Ellis_(actor)
– Nothing About Us Without Us exhibition: https://phm.org.uk/exhibitions/nothing-about-us-without-us/
– National Museum of Egyptian Civilization: https://nmec.gov.eg/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson, Kloe Rumsey, and Karen Logan.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

S13E02: Accreditation (Part 1: The Longest Journey)

We have a chat amongst ourselves about the process of becoming an accredited conservator, as seen by two mid-career people staring at the application form in fear and distress. This episode contains snippets of both Jenny’s and Kloe’s thoughts on the very early stages of getting ready to even apply, being on the Pathway (PACR), and some of the notable barriers. Kloe also interviews Heather Doyle about how accreditation works and how it will be changing, and Dear Jane handles a question about how to pitch for more hours of work.

00:00:33 Jenny’s long road on the Pathway
00:05:38 Kloe’s speed-run
00:11:26 The murky history of accreditation
00:16:01 Evidence is everything
00:21:27 Reasons to go for it
00:23:41 Specialisms are made up
00:29:50 Jenny frets about things after a workshop
00:32:36 Kloe’s commitment
00:37:17 Kloe’s anxiety about specialisms and forms
00:40:49 Kloe’s confused about mentors
00:42:08 Kloe discovers the Pathway
00:43:35 Kloe’s funding issues
00:45:20 Interview with Heather Doyle
01:12:56 Postscript (sort of)
01:16:18 Dear Jane
01:23:59 Patreon shout out and appeal

Show Notes:
– All about Icon accreditation: https://www.icon.org.uk/accreditation.html
– The Conservation Register: https://www.conservationregister.com/

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Jenny Mathiasson and Kloe Rumsey.

Intro and outro music by DDmyzik, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

A Wooden Dice production, 2023.

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